This free business valuation calculator was designed, developed and coded by me, Trevor Monaghan, an accredited business valuation specialist, and member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand. The app has been designed for both skilled forensic accountants and ordinary business owners to guide you through the fundamental steps needed to undertake the valuation of a business and its shares. You can find the app on the iOS app store as Business Valuation Expert.
This version of the app uses the capitalisation of future maintainable earnings method to establish the enterprise value of the business. It then takes you through the operating assets and operating liabilities to determine if goodwill and other unidentified intangibles are likely to exist. Finally it includes the non-operating assets and liabilities to determine the value of the shares or units in the entity that owns the business.
No app can reliably determine the value of a business because it takes a significant amount of training and experience to understand the underlying profitability and risks of a business. But this app is a great tool to use as a framework to guide you through the necessary steps in analysing any business.
Disclaimer: This app will not produce a reliable opinion of value of any business. It is a only a simple calculation based on the inputs provided by the user. Trevor Monaghan and Climax Business Valuations accept no responsibility for the result of these calculations if used for any purpose whatsoever. Please contact Trevor Monaghan if you require a reliable opinion of value.
Privacy: Climax Business Valuations does not request or utilise any personal information from the app. Any details entered into the app are stored only on your device. Climax Business Strategies can not access any information entered into the app.